How To Get Rid of Termites
Termites are one of the worst pests around. They eat away at wood and other materials, causing significant damage to homes and businesses. If left unchecked, termite infestations can cause severe structural problems.
Florida Spring Home Maintenance Checklist
Don’t wait until you’re selling your home to address maintenance issues. Instead, stay on top of regular home maintenance chores to keep your home inspection ready! At Kenco Home Inspections, we’re invested in our community. This means we love to share our tips and tricks for good home maintenance throughout the year.
Home Inspection Customer Expectations
If you’re buying a home for the first time, you may not understand all the details in the home buying process. That includes what to expect from a home inspection. The purpose of a home inspection is to determine the current condition of the home so that you can make a confident and informed buying decision.
Home Inspections for Older Homes
Buying an older home is a risk with many rewards. Older homes often have more charm and better craftsmanship than newer homes. If they’ve not undergone renovations or updates, many of the home’s systems will be out of date or need repairs.
What Do Termites Look Like?
If you are in the process of purchasing a home, schedule a termite inspection. You risk thousands of dollars in potential damage if a termite infestation goes unnoticed. Also, most mortgage lenders require a termite inspection before they approve a loan.