Termites are one of the worst pests around. They eat away at wood and other materials, causing significant damage to homes and businesses. If left unchecked, termite infestations can cause severe structural problems.

Termites are insects that feed on dead organic matter. They live in colonies and build mounds of soil and decaying plant material. The mounds they create are called "termitaria." These mounds can reach over 20 feet and weigh hundreds of tons.

Termites are attracted to moisture and food sources, and they tend to congregate near water pipes or food storage areas. If you notice signs of termite infestation, contact a pest control professional immediately.

Termite Inspections

Kenco Home Inspections offers termite inspections in partnership with a trusted pest control professional. A termite inspection can save you thousands of dollars in repairs. An early infestation of termites may only require mitigation. However, a significant infestation could have already caused considerable property damage. Not only will you need to get rid of the termites, but you'll also need to make the required repairs to restore the home's structural integrity.

Preventing Termites

The best way to prevent termite infestations is by controlling moisture levels. Make sure there are no leaks in your foundation or walls. Check for cracks and holes in exterior siding and ensure that gutters are properly maintained. Properly maintain any landscaping around your home. Remove debris from around your house. Keep grass short, so it doesn't provide shelter for termites.

DIY Termite Mediation

While we recommend working with a professional to get rid of termites, some homeowners prefer a DIY approach. There are several ways to try to get rid of termite infestations before hiring an exterminator.

Boric Acid

One of the most common methods of getting rid of termites is boric acid. This method works by dehydrating the termite and confusing its nervous system. The homeowner can purchase termite insecticide that contains boric acid and spray it on cracks and crevices in and around the home.

Diatomaceous Earth

Another popular method of killing termites is diatomaceous earth (DE). DE is made up of tiny particles of fossilized algae. When these particles contact moist environments, they absorb moisture and form a barrier against further growth. To use this method, mix one quarter cup of DE with two gallons of warm water. Spray this mixture onto cracks and crevices inside and outside the home. Use it sparingly because too much can harm plants and animals.

Cardboard Traps

Termites love cellulose. They are attracted to cardboard boxes and paper products like newspapers. Place cardboard with cellulose in a location to attract the termites. Once you trap the termites, remove the cardboard and dispose of or burn it. This method is not as effective as the other methods.

Professional Termite Service

The most effective way to get rid of termites and protect your property is with a professional termite removal service. The risk of damage is too significant otherwise.

Contact Kenco Home Inspections for information on termite inspections and remediation.


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