Kenco Home Inspections

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When to Schedule a Home Inspection

Buying a home is a huge investment. Because of that, you need to know exactly what you can expect from your new property and where potential issues lie. That is where Kenco Home Inspections can help. 

We offer full home inspections for properties in Southeast Florida. With each home inspection, we thoroughly inspect the property to identify existing and impending problems. When you know the areas needing repairs, you can request for the seller to address the issues before the purchase is final. It is your responsibility as a buyer to hire a home inspector.

Many mortgage lenders require a home appraisal but not a home inspection. However, a home inspection is always worth your time and investment. It gives you valuable information about the property you are thinking about buying.

Reasons for a Home Inspection

The most important reason for a home inspection is so you know as much as possible about the property’s condition before you close. What problems are there? What issues need to be addressed? That applies to both new construction as well as previously owned homes.

Once you know about the issues, you can renegotiate with the seller. They can either pay for the necessary repairs or reduce the sale price. If the home inspection reveals major issues, you also have the option of walking away from the sale and the home.

What is the Best Time for a Home Inspection?

The best time to schedule a home inspection is right after your offer has been accepted by the seller. That way you are under contract but the sale is not final. That will give us time to perform the home inspection before closing. Plus, most contracts limit the time before the closing to request repairs.

When you schedule a home inspection, we are happy to explain the process to you. Schedule the inspection at a time you can be present, allowing for two to three hours. That way the inspector has plenty of time to see everything and not feel rushed.  

What Does the Home Inspection Process Look Like?                                                                                          

The home inspector visually checks both the interior and the exterior of the property. That includes electrical systems, plumbing, roof, insulation, heating, structural components, as well as exterior and interior features. The details and scope of the inspection depend on the property.

You can follow along and learn everything you want to know about your new home. Ask the home inspector questions and address any concerns you might have about the property.

After the inspection is complete, we provide a detailed written report with all the findings. That way everything is clear and you can share it with your realtor. They can advise you what steps to take next and what you want to present to the seller.

Protect Your Investment with a Quality Home Inspection

Schedule a home inspection to protect your investment when buying a home. You may also consider having your house inspected on an annual basis. That way you catch minor problems before they become major.

Whether you are buying a house or maintaining the one you own, we are here for you. Kenco offers home inspection in Southeast Florida. We want you to be confident in the property you buy. Call us today to schedule a home inspection with Kenco.