Simple Measures to Protect Your Home from Moisture Damage

Homeowners fear water damage more than most other types of home repairs. Water penetration can result in significant damage and expensive repairs. Roof leaks are one of the most common causes of moisture damage. However, other behaviors and features can lead to water damage.

You can protect your home from water penetration with a few simple measures. These tips help prevent leaks to head off damage before it starts.

Don’t Place Plants or Trees Directly Against Your Home

Curb appeal matters. A flower or shrub border creates an inviting and beautiful exterior. Also, some homeowners like to place thorny bushes under windows as a deterrent to theft. Instead, plant flowers, shrubs and tress a few feet away from the foundation of your home or ensure the beds slope away from the foundation.

The problem occurs when you water the flowers and trees. If water flows into the foundation or sits near the foundation, water damage may happen. This type of water damage can go unnoticed until you have a major issue.

Divert Rain Runoff with Gutters and Downspouts

When you notice water pooling after a rain or storm, this is a sign of potential water damage to your foundation. This may mean that you need to add gutters to that area or clean your existing gutters.

In fact, ensure you have the right amount of gutter coverage to drain water from your entire roof. Extend gutter downspouts at least four feet from your home’s foundation. If possible, discharge the water underground with PVC pipe to drain into the street.

Not only does pooling water lead to foundational damage, but it can also damage the roof. Gutters are key to managing water penetration for your home.

Check Your Roof After Intense Rain or a Storm

Florida experiences extreme weather. It doesn't take a hurricane to cause roof damage. In fact, any intense rain, high wind or thunderstorm can lead to damage.

Check the roof for loose shingles and other signs of damage. Inspect the metal flashings, gutters, solar panels and skylights to ensure they remain properly attached and sealed. Check your attic for wet spots or any signs of mold, condensation, damage to insulation or rodent and insect infestation. Any of these may lead to weak areas and subsequent leaks.

Inspect for Interior Water Leaks

Water damage can also happen inside your home. Start by installing weather stripping and seals on windows and doors to prevent water from entering during bad weather. Also, regularly check for leaks in appliances like the dishwasher, refrigerator and washing machine.

Look for leaks in the pipes under your sink. If you notice an increase in your water utility cost and can’t find the source of the leak, contact a professional to help. Don’t ignore unresolved water damage. The problem only increases with time.

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We have the knowledge and training for quality and trusted home inspections. We proudly serve Southeast Florida communities. Contact us today to schedule a home inspection.


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