Why do some electrical outlets in your home look different than others? For example, some have reset buttons while others look like a traditional outlet? This is your GFCI, or Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter, outlets for your home. 

What Is A Ground Fault?

Your home’s electrical system can experience different types of faults which impact normal operations and cause problems. Ground faults are one type of fault where electricity takes an unplanned path due to a malfunction of wiring, an appliance, or another defective electronic device.

Ground faults are more dangerous in the parts of your home where water is present, like near sinks. A ground fault can cause a shock or electrocution. In addition, you risk damage to appliances or other devices. In some cases, a fire may occur. 

What is a GFCI Outlet?

Install GFCI outlets to reduce the risk of damage or harm from a ground fault. GFCI outlets monitor the current between the hot and neutral wires to ensure stability. If the flow becomes irregular, the GFCI trips to stop the flow of the current. 

To restore function, the outlet reset button must be engaged. This protective layer provides vital security for your home. Plus, most building codes require GFCI outlets in specific parts of the home. These areas typically include bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, garages, outdoor outlets, and any area within a certain distance to a sink. 

Typical Causes of Ground Faults

  • Worn or damaged wires

  • Old appliances

  • Water in an electrical box

  • Defective power tools

For example, if your home becomes flooded, the GFCI outlet should trip and cut off power. That’s why building codes require them near sources of water. It’s a safety asset for your home. 

Do I Need to Install GFCI Outlets?

How do you know if you need to install GFCI outlets in your home? First, check to see if you already have GFCI outlets in your kitchen and bathrooms. The GFCI outlet protects the electrical devices plugged into it, but also the other electrical outlets connected to the same line. For this reason, you likely only see one GFCI outlet in a bathroom even if you have multiple outlets in the room. 

If you don’t have GFCI outlets, it’s likely because you live in an older home. In this case, it’s smart to upgrade your electrical system to include GFCI outlets. Plus, if you sell your home or renovate, you’ll probably have to bring the home up to code. 

Handy homeowners can install GFCI outlets without professional help. However, electrical work can be dangerous. Ensure you understand the specific steps for installation, and always turn off the power before you start any home project involving the electrical system. 

The best bet is usually to work with an electrician or other qualified professional to install the GFCI outlets. They have the tools and knowledge to do the job safely and accurately. 

Keep Your Home Safe

GFCI outlets are one way to keep your home and family safe from the risk of ground faults. Remember when you purchase a home, it’s best to schedule a home inspection to check for important items, like GFCI outlets. 

At Kenco Home Inspections, we’re here to help you have peace of mind when purchasing a home. Contact us today to schedule a home inspection in Southeast Florida.



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