Kenco Home Inspections

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What Is a Septic Inspection, and When Do I Need One?

Septic systems are essential parts of our homes. They remove waste from toilets, sinks, washing machines, and other drains in the home. If they aren't working correctly, sewage can back up and create a cesspool in the ground near the septic tank or cause a backup into the house.

A septic tank inspection gives homeowners peace of mind that their tank is working correctly or requires service to maintain or restore proper function.

What Is a Septic System?

A septic system consists of pipes, tanks, pumps, and other components. The main element is the septic tank, where wastewater ends up after passing through drains. The wastewater sits in the tank and then passes through filters before being pumped to the soil below.

Septic tanks offer an alternative for homeowners not connected to a city sewer system. Not all homes have septic systems. Homebuyers need to know whether the property they plan to purchase has a septic system.

When Do Homeowners Need a Septic Inspection?

Experts recommend scheduling an inspection every three to five years. Even if your system seems to work well, a full septic inspection offers a detailed evaluation of your system. You don't want to wait until waste bubbles up in the yard to discover you have a problem.

Also, schedule a septic inspection when purchasing a property. Much like a specialized roof inspection, a septic inspection can find problems not accessible in a visual inspection.

If you experience a problem with the septic system, you may also want to schedule an inspection. 

How Often Should I Pump My Septic Tank?

The pumping frequency depends on the amount of wastewater used in your home. A typical household uses about one gallon per flush of water. One gallon of sewage enters the septic tank each time the toilet flushes.

The typical household needs their septic tank serviced every three to five years. Homes with more wastewater may require a shorter timeframe. However, homes with less wastewater should still schedule a routine inspection every three to five years to ensure the system works properly.

Why Should I Schedule a Septic Inspection?

You need to schedule a septic inspection because it's the best way to protect yourself against costly repairs and potential health risks. You may even face fines for unresolved septic tank leakages that cause public health issues.

Septic inspections help prevent:

  • Wastewater backups

  • Sewage spills

  • Health hazards

  • Drain clogs

  • Damage to landscaping

  • Damage to foundations

  • Odor

  • Property devaluation

Don't ignore your septic tank. Instead, schedule regular maintenance and inspections.

Keep Your Property Clean and Healthy

Your septic tank maintains the health of your family and home. While most people don't want to think about what happens when we flush the toilet, ignoring your septic system can land you in deep...trouble.  

Kenco Home Inspections offers trusted inspection services for homeowners in Southeast Florida. Our team has the experience, tools, and certifications to guide you through the home inspection process.

Contact us today for more information about septic system inspections.