When purchasing a home, you need to understand the current condition of the home. After all, buying a house is usually the most significant purchase we make. Plus, it's the space your family will call home. To protect your investment and family, take the time to schedule a home inspection.

At Kenco Home Inspections, we help buyers in Southeast Florida make an informed purchase decision by providing complete home inspections, including a detailed written report. Our expert inspectors check the functionality and safety of the home's systems and report the findings to the buyer.

Benefits of a Home Inspection for Buyers

Pays for Itself

A home inspection pays for itself if the inspection uncovers costly issues that the seller then repairs. For example, if the home inspector reports a broken HVAC, the buyers could save thousands of dollars by requesting the seller replace the unit.

A Chance to Walk Away

Once you enter a sales contract, you agree to purchase the home. However, if the home inspection reveals issues with the property and the seller refuses to make repairs, the buyer has the option to walk away. While most buyers wouldn't leave the contract for minor issues, in some cases, it makes sense—for example, repairs for a severely damaged roof.

Identify Safety Issues

A home should be safe for a family. Issues like water damage, mold growth, and radon can lead to serious health problems. Other matters like loose stair rails, uneven flooring, or a sagging ceiling could lead to accidental harm. A home inspector reports any issues found during the inspection so you can address safety issues.

Room to Negotiate

If the seller doesn't want to take the time to make the repairs, they may be willing to negotiate on the home's price. For example, if the home appliances don't work, they may agree to lower the sale's price to cover the value of new appliances instead of replacing them.

Give Buyers Peace of Mind

Purchasing a home is stressful. Whether or not you intend to ask for repairs from the seller, it brings peace of mind to know the property's condition. The buyer won't have to worry about tons of surprises after they move in. Then, the buyer can make a confident and informed purchasing decision.

Plan Ahead

In a tight housing market, some buyers are skipping the home inspection. However, when the cost of buying a home is so high, homebuyers need to understand the maintenance costs involved after moving in. A home inspection lets you plan for the expected expenses to repair and maintain the home. When those issues pop up later, you won't find yourself caught off guard.

Enjoy the Benefits of a Home Inspection

Buying a home is an exciting time. But don't let the excitement steer you off course. Take advantage of your resources, like scheduling a home inspection. 

At Kenco Home Inspections, we offer expert inspections for all types of properties. We offer residential and commercial property inspections in Southeast Florida. Contact us today to schedule a buyer's inspection!


Happy Thanksgiving from Kenco Home Inspections!


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