Ready to Serve You and Your Home

At Kenco Home Inspections, we remain open and ready to serve homeowners. We know that now more than ever, closing on your next home matters. In fact, during this time of uncertainty and financial flux, you probably just want to wrap things up quickly with your home purchase. 

We plan to continue to offer full service home inspections. We know that it’s too risky to skimp on the details of the home buying process. Call us for a home inspection to ensure the home you plan to purchase is in top shape. During our home inspection process, we identify potential issues with the home so that you can request repairs before you sign the final closing paperwork. 

Your Safety is Our Priority

Both the buyer’s and seller’s safety are our priority. As we continue to offer home inspections, we do so while limiting any exposure to our team or the people in the home. We are washing our hands before and after each inspection. In addition, we are not allowing any employees with signs of sickness to enter the client’s home. 

We always value our client relationships. This means we want you to trust us and our team. We are honoring that trust by following health and safety guidelines.

Tips for Homeowners to Manage the Spread of Germs

Whether you are selling or buying a home, there are a few steps you can take to reduce your risk of contracting this virus or other illnesses. If you must attend a showing or host a showing, remember to prioritize health and safety. In fact, the CDC offers recommendations to stay healthy. 

  • Keep a six-foot distance between you and others

  • Wash your hands for 20 seconds before and after visiting the home

  • Don’t attend the showing or allow people into your home if you are sick

  • Cover your coughs and sneezes

  • Clean and disinfect commonly touched surfaces, like doorknobs and light switches

  • If you are visiting a home for a showing, remove your shoes and try to minimize touching objects

Even if you aren’t concerned about contracting the virus, remember that other people are and be respectful. 

The Importance of a Home Inspection for Buyers

In these uncertain times, the buyer’s inspection of the home is vital for your future. Otherwise, you run the risk of unidentified damage. This could cost you thousands of dollars. 

You have a contractual right to schedule an inspection. If the seller doesn’t agree to the requested repairs from the home inspection, as the buyer, you have a right to walk away from the deal.

A home inspection protects you and your investment. This is not the place to cut costs when purchasing a home. The risk is too great. 

Can You Still Schedule a Home Inspection?

Yes! We are booking home inspections. While now may not feel like the ideal time to be in the middle of a home buying transaction, if you are, we are here. Home feels more important than ever. We are here to help you get through the process quickly. 

Contact Kenco Home Inspections to schedule an inspection for the home you plan to purchase. We will conduct a thorough investigation of the property and provide a detailed written report. 

We are all in this together. That means we plan to be here to help support your home buying inspection needs. 


When to Schedule a Home Inspection


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