Kenco Home Inspections

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Florida Home Inspections for New Construction

Did you know that you need a home inspection for new construction? Even with a new home, a home inspection protects you by identifying issues with the home before you move in. Just because the home is new doesn’t mean we don’t find problems. In fact, home buyers often skip this step and regret it down the road.

Also, don’t count on the builder to manage the inspection. You need an independent party to create an unbiased inspection report for your new Southeast Florida home.

What is a New Home Inspection?

A new home inspection covers the same areas of the home as a full inspection on existing homes. The goal with a home inspection when purchasing a home is to provide the buyer with a report explaining the current condition of the home.

The home inspection includes analysis of the home’s structural elements, appliances, outdoor features and home systems. At Kenco Home Inspections, we provide home buyers a fair examination of the property so you aren’t surprised by damage or areas needing repairs. 

Do New Homes Have Maintenance Issues?

Yes! Unfortunately, we’ve found many different issues in new homes over the years. One common issue includes unfinished projects. This may not be intentional on the part of the builder. On large projects, like building a home, the crew sometimes misses or forget project details. 

We find simple errors, like a reversal of the cold and hot faucets, insufficient insulation, damage to the HVAC and more. We also find major issues like improper drainage that could damage the foundation, broken appliances, poorly attached gutters and more. 

Just because the home is new doesn’t mean the job was completed without error. You don’t want to wait until you move in to discover issues. Instead, work with a qualified home inspector to identify problems. 

A home inspection allows you to request repairs before the final closing. You also won’t have the inconvenience of living with the issues or having the builder onsite after you move in. 

What About the Building Inspector?

New construction requires a building inspector to sign off that the property meets minimum code requirements. However, meeting the minimum requirements doesn’t always meet the expectations of the homeowner. 

Also, building inspectors cover a large workload and may not complete the detailed inspection of a professional and independent home inspector. It’s best to cover your bases and schedule a home inspection for your new construction.  

Requests Two Inspections for New Homes

It is best to schedule two home inspections when purchasing new construction. First, you want an inspection before the drywall installation. This allows the home inspector to check the framing, electrical, ductwork and plumbing elements. 

You don’t have a second chance to inspect these internal elements. We understand the expense of building a home but the cost for a pre-drywall home inspection pays for itself if we find an issue that the builder must cover the cost to correct.

The second inspection occurs after the completion of the home. Before the final closing, schedule a home inspection. This inspection covers the finished elements, including appliances, irrigation system, drywall and other finishing touches. 

Protect Your Property

Your home is likely your biggest investment. Ensure your newly constructed home doesn’t have costly issues. At Kenco Home Inspections, we work with clients in Southeast Florida. We offer full home inspections for new construction.

Contact us today to schedule your new construction home inspection.