Halloween Home Safety Tips

Make your home safer for your family and trick-or-treaters this Halloween. The combination of crowds, darkness, and excited children can lead to falls, fires, and other injuries. Following a few safety tips can protect your property and minimize your risks. Keep Halloween fun and safe this season!

1 – Keep the Outside Well Lit

Creating a spooky exterior may seem like fun; however, decorate in a way that keeps the bright outside lights on. Don’t switch out lightbulbs with dark colors that may make it hard for trick-or-treaters to see steps or the walkway. 

Instead, turn on all exterior lights. Also, before Halloween night, check for any burned-out lightbulbs and replace them with working bulbs. If you have a long walkway, consider adding LED sidewalk lights.

2 – Don’t Use Real Candles in Jack-O-Lanterns

Lighting and displaying Jack-O-Lanterns add to Halloween fun. Yet, unattended candles inside the pumpkins can cause a fire. The pumpkin could tip if knocked over, or a long costume could touch the flame and ignite. 

Avoid the risk of fire by using pumpkin tap lights or glow sticks inside the Jack-O-Lanterns. Stores carry many fun and creative options at affordable prices. Get peace of mind knowing that your pumpkin isn’t a fire hazard.

3 – Keep Walkways Clear

Remove any clutter from your walkways and porch. Also, avoid placing decorations where guests could trip. You want to create a clear path from the road to your door to minimize the risk of falls. 

Also, if you have steps, place reflective tape or lights to guide guests. Hidden or dark steps or stairs can cause trick-or-treaters to trip. Before Halloween night, go outside in the dark to see if steps are visible.

4 – Repair Loose or Broken Rails

A loose or broken handrail can add more risk than not having a rail at all. If you have a railing on the steps, people assume they can hold on to it for support. If the rail wobbles, it can lead to a fall. Typically, homeowners hold the responsibility for negligence that leads to an accident. 

Avoid this problem altogether by fixing the rails. Tighten loose screws and replace damaged handrails. Working handrails will help on not only Halloween but also any other time you have guests.

5 – Trim Landscaping

Did you know that Halloween is the deadliest night of the year for child fatalities caused by vehicles hitting pedestrians? Make your yard safer by trimming landscaping for improved visibility. Cut back limbs and bushes that may block the road. 

If you can’t see when crossing the street from your driveway, it’s probably not safe for children either. Help lower the accident statistics by clearing the view.

Prepare for a Safe and Fun Halloween

Halloween offers a great time for family fun. The tradition of trick-or-treating lets us celebrate and create a fun atmosphere for our youngest neighbors. Take the time to prepare for Halloween night by focusing on safety. 

Not only will your neighbors appreciate a fun experience, but you’ll lower your risks as a homeowner. At Kenco Home Inspections, we believe being good neighbors matters. That’s why we offer trusted and reliable home inspections to our neighbors in Southeast Florida.

Contact us today to schedule a home inspection. Happy Halloween! 




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