Buying a home is both stressful and exciting. In the overwhelming home buying process, remember to schedule a home inspection. While it's tempting to skip the inspection and hope for the best, it's not wise. A home inspection gives buyers an in-depth view of the home's current condition. Understanding the issues in the house you plan to purchase, allows you to make an informed decision. 

As home inspectors in Southeast Florida, we've seen a wide range of issues. However, we do find some problems more common than others. We see problems that the buyer needs to know even with new home construction

Common Issues Found During Home Inspections

Regardless of the issues, we provide a detailed written report with each home inspection. We are also available to answer questions about the inspection.  

1.     Moisture Damage

Water and moisture damage are the most common issues we find. Especially in humid climates like Florida, moisture damage leads to mold growth, rot, and other repair issues. Water damage can come from several causes, but two leading causes include improper foundation drainage and plumbing leaks.  

Improper foundation drainage may cause the basement or crawlspace to flood, or the foundation may crack or shift. Water can seep slowly and unnoticed with plumbing leaks until significant damage develops. Cabinets, flooring, and other features around the leak may require replacement. Also, homes with substantial water damage will likely need mold remediation.

2.     Roof Damage

Roof damage occurs over time from wind, blocked gutters, wear and tear, and other damage. A poorly maintained roof may experience extensive wear and tear, reducing the roof's lifespan. Poor installation may also cause issues, even in new homes. 

Replacing a roof typically costs between $20,000 and $40,000. Plus, an unrepaired roof can lead to significant damage inside the home. As a buyer, it's essential to understand the extent of any roof damage. We recommend a specialized roof inspection as a follow-up to the home inspection in some cases.

3.     Heating and Cooling System

The HVAC system is one of the most expensive systems in a home. When a homeowner skips regular maintenance, the HVAC system can become dirty and inefficient. Also, a failure to complete regular maintenance, like changing belts or air filters, can cause the HVAC to need an earlier than expected replacement.

4.     Inadequate Insulation

A home with poor insulation wastes energy and experiences higher utility costs. Inadequate insulation may occur due to poor installation. We see this in new home inspections where the builder didn't add enough insulation.  

Over time, insulation wears down and requires replacement. Adding new insulation is usually affordable and adds energy-saving benefits. Yet, when left unresolved, homeowners may find maintaining the temperature in the home difficult.  

5.     General Poor Maintenance

Often, we find homes with poor general maintenance. In these cases, the house may not have major issues, like needing a roof replacement, but they may need lots of more minor repairs and maintenance. For example, the home may require gutter cleaning, HVAC maintenance, appliance replacement, and more. Added together the issues become costly. 

Florida Homeowner's Trust Kenco

Invest in a home inspection for peace of mind. For most people, a home is their biggest investment. You want to protect that investment from the start. A home inspection gives you the information to make a smart investment.

Contact us today to schedule a home inspection in Southeast Florida.




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