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Do It Yourself Home Staging Tips

With the housing market booming, sellers don’t have to put in extreme work to prepare their homes to hit the market. Yet, home staging remains an integral part of the real estate process. Many buyers determine their interest in a property based on the online listing. It’s essential to stage a home to look great in the online photos. 

What Is Home Staging?

Staging a home in real estate is a method to prepare a home for sale. The staging process intends to present a home in a way that appeals to the most significant number of buyers. With home staging, the space becomes less personalized so potential buyers can see themselves in the home.

Data shows that home staging improves the real estate process. Staged homes typically seller quicker and for a higher price. Even in a seller’s market, it’s worth it to consider staging a home.

4 DIY Home Staging Tips

Staging offers many benefits, including a higher price, cleaner space, and better online images. However, you don’t have to pay for a professional staging service to enjoy the benefits. 

1.     Declutter each space

Start by removing clutter and clearing out each room. You want the home to look spacious. Go room by room and clear out excess items. For example, only leave a few articles on bookshelves, remove clutter from countertops, and clean out the mudroom. Create an impression that the home has ample storage and space to hold the new homeowner’s stuff.

2.     Deep clean the home

A dirty home isn’t attractive. Even if you do nothing else, clean the house before listing. If you don’t want to clean yourself, you can hire a professional cleaning service. The most important areas to clean are the kitchen and bathrooms. Not only will cleaning these spaces make your home look better, but the home will smell better too.

3.     Show each room’s purpose

Each room in a home has a specific purpose. An essential part of home staging is to define each space for potential buyers. Maybe you used your dining room as a home office or your home office as a playroom. Take the time to reestablish each area. If you don’t have the right furniture, you can easily rent pieces to use for staging. 

4.     Focus on lighting

Light makes a home look brighter. Dark and dim rooms don’t look as attractive, especially in photographs. Open blinds and curtains allow natural light to flow into the space. Also, turn on room lights before showings. Upgrade broken or outdated light fixtures. And don’t forget to replace burned-out lightbulbs. 

Help Your Home Look It’s Best

Home staging doesn’t need to cost a fortune. But, taking the time to prepare your home for sale is worth it. Plus, when it comes time to move out, you’ll have cleared the clutter and made the process easier.  

At Kenco Home Inspections, we help homeowners and buyers understand the current condition of a home. If you are in the process of buying or selling a home in Southeast Florida, we are here for you with full home inspection service. Contact us today to schedule an inspection.